Friday, April 18, 2008

"The Sky Is Falling" - it's the same old story...

Some of us are just born pessimists: "The end is near." And then, another day passes just like the last one. Or...the sky IS falling, and I don't want to think about it! Who might be the "Cronkite reality check" of today?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Peak Food?

Increased cost of petroleum based fertilizers, shifting patterns of drought, agribusiness moving to corn based fuels - what will world production of food in relation to population look like in the coming years?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Real Storms?

It's hard to know how immediate and personal a threat is when we are presented with large scale abstractions - like, "global warming will cause the seas to rise." Yet, the price of oil appears to be going up, and the U.S. dollar appears to be going down. How concerned about change are you? Whether social, economic, climate, honey bees, antibiotic resistant bugs, or the dying rising seas?

Hopeful, or hopeless - how might your relationship with your environment change in the next ten years, including the people in your life (neighbors, family, friends)?

Rising petroleum prices (peak oil).

Climate changes (carbon footprint).

National debt (est. 9 trillion).

Baby boomers coming of age (equities, services, "brain drain").

Increasing world population.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

If I Had A Hammer

What action, if any, do you propose taking?