Friday, April 18, 2008

"The Sky Is Falling" - it's the same old story...

Some of us are just born pessimists: "The end is near." And then, another day passes just like the last one. Or...the sky IS falling, and I don't want to think about it! Who might be the "Cronkite reality check" of today?


Alan Pakaln said...

Bill Maher?
"New York, Apr 19, 2008 / 09:05 pm (CNA).- Comedian Bill Maher apologized on his HBO show Friday night for accusing Pope Benedict XVI of being a Nazi. After some delay, the Catholic League reports, Maher acknowledged that Joseph Ratzinger as a young man was forced to join the Hitler Youth organization and was not sympathetic to the Nazi ideology.

Maher still insisted that if a CEO were in charge of an institution that housed child molesters, he would be fired."

Alan Pakaln said...

Beppe Grillo?
"All in all, there are 100 names on the list, including a number of marvellous new entries. Top class personnel. No one else in the world is able to choose a crew quite like Berlusconi (56) and Veltroni (18) can.
In other countries, such as Finland or the United States for example, it would be sufficient to nominate one of the criminals on this list to ensure that the party would lose the elections. Here in Italy, things are totally different. A sentenced criminal in your crew could help to win you the elections. Such a person brings with him/her the votes of the Mafia groups, the lobby groups and the tax evaders. More simply put, this kind of nomination is merely the price of silence. Italy is the Country of Machiavelli. If the end truly justifies the means, then the criminal justifies the votes."